Approaches to Evangelism on the Roof of the World
The following discussion of evangelism approaches are designed not as authoritative positions
but suggestions to spur your thoughts and challenge you to consider new ways to share the Gospel within
Nepal, and taking these concepts broadly, across the world.

1. Tract Distribution – Distributing Gospel Tracts

The Word of God is truth and never returns void. Tract distribution is not outdated although sometimes our approaches and attitudes to it may be.

Revise the way you tract to make it strategic. What is it that you are trying to achieve with the tracks you are distributing, who are you targeting and how engaged is what you are doing to the cultural and people?

Think about targeting a people group and an area for a time period… Read more

2. Trekking the Gospel – Going into the Hills

Nepal is one of the most unreached countries in the world and this is due mainly to terrain. The Gospel is out of reach of most Nepali living in the hills. Due to lack of infrastructure and recently armed conflict, the majority of the hill/mountain dwelling Nepali have only two ways to hear the Gospel; by radio waves or in person. Efforts need to be made in non-tourist and remote areas to bring the Gospel to the people.

Use the adventure of trekking to bring the Gospel to the door steps of these Nepali. Find out more about different approaches or ways to do this… Read more

3. Recorded Audio Messages

Many Nepali are illiterate and short term missionaries can not learn the Gospel well enough in the local language to share it – this is where audio messages can step in.

Using cassettes, iPods, mp3 players can effectively share the Gospel despite the language barrier. Various methods of providing players and power for these recordings are available and in different formats…

4. Evangelistic Videos

Imagine sharing the Gospel in a crowded tea shop to those who have never heard it and see their heads nod as they understand the message. Video has this potential of communicating the gospel effectively while capturing and holding the attention of the viewer.

In rural Nepal using video is an exciting option. The draw back is equipment and lack of electricity but even that can be overcome…

5. Bhajan & Satsang (Devotional Religious Songs and Meetings)

A contextual way to share the message of Jesus – Travel from village to village sharing the Gospel in song and in the form of a Satsang in the language of the people.

This form of sharing is not uncommon in Hindu culture. Choose songs Nepali relate to and as people come to listen share from the scriptures and in a culturally relevant way who you are singing about. GEMs Ministry external link has a CD they use and Chris Hale’s music and approach to this is an excellent example. Listen to his music external link or read his discussion of Bhajans (devotional songs)..

6. School Programs

The Nepali government school curriculum has a sections on Christianity. Why not teach this section? Added to this, most Nepali schools are open to people teaching on Christ. Use a translator to share and present the real Gospel message through drama, dance and song.

Kathmandu and many other major towns have private schools that use English as their medium. Take the opportunity to share the Gospel in these schools in English.

The youth of Nepal and the developing nations are open to hearing the Gospel. How about you step in?

7. Using a Translator

The language barrier is real and translation is often necessary for short term work. How are you going to find a translator and how do you work with one? Here are a few suggestions on these topics… Read more

8. Praying for the sick

While the Muslim church has grown powerfully on the basis of dreams and visions, the Nepali church has grown rapidly as a result of seeing God’s power in healing. Don’t under estimate the value of prayer.

God heals and God also works through the sincerity and love showed by his devotees praying for well being of others.

9. Other Approaches

Evangelism in Context: Parameters of the Situation in Nepal

The following article offers a researched, honest and well written discussion of evangelistic activity in Nepal. It examines 3 different evangelistic strategies; medical services and health care, literature distribution and rural and industrial development.

The article also examines the legal and constitutional context of evangelism in Nepal – offering insight into the current laws again proselytizing and becoming a Christian…