The Nepali live spread across almost every hill in Nepal, in some of the most remote and inhospitable places on earth. They also live in some of the poorest conditions on earth with little infrastructure in the form of roads, services, electricity or transport. As a result of these conditions and the current Maoist war, huge tracts of Nepal remain unreached by the gospel. Many villages, areas and people groups have never heard the name of Jesus or the true gospel message. In these villages there are only two ways to reach these people – via radio airwaves or in person.

People are needed to trek into areas of Nepal targeting unreached people groups to share and live out the gospel. There are many approaches to short term outreach in Nepal.

Literature distribution, sharing audio messages and evangelistic videos are ways to share the gospel directly – each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

More logistical work in medical and community development work is also an effective way to get alongside the rural community developing trails, village hygiene (toilets and water supply) and health care.


Lightweight gospel literature is available from Kathmandu (see tract distribution) and with the help of porters it is possible to carry large amounts of literature into village areas. Go door to door and ask them if they would like to hear about Lord Jesus. Sell the literature where possible (for a small price) as the Nepali are more likely to value and read a book they have purchased. These rural areas have problems with illiteracy but generally it is possible to find a person who can read.

  • Door to door sharing
  • Pray for the sick in the houses that you go to
  • In the bus
  • In tea shops
  • On non-tourist trekking trails

Share the Gospel with Audio Messages

If you are a short term missionary you are not going to have the language you need to share as well as you would like so why not use an audio recording in the language of the people. Click on the Audio messages section for more info.

Evangelistic Video

An exciting option as many people in rural areas have never seen a movie or only a little television. Find more information on using Evangelistic Videos.

How to Trek

Hire a guide to help you, coordinate with a missions group or a contact that you have. Trekking maps are available in Kathmandu at map shops and also in the tourist areas. Guides and Porters are easier to find in tourist areas but it is best to use a local contact. Your contact or the guide and trekking organisation will help you with the logistics of how to trek, where to stay and find food.

Employing Porters and Guides

  • Christian Guides and Porters are hard to find. When employing Guides and Porters to guide and carry your luggage, supplies or literature consider the area you are traveling in. In tourist areas 500rp a day is appropriate for a Porter and 700 to 1000rp for a Guide (rough guide 2005) This wage will allow them to pay for their own meals and supplies. Tipping at the end of a trek is expected in tourist areas. In non-tourist areas negotiate a lower price (determined by if you are paying for transport and lodging on top of wages). Trekking agencies exist in the tourist areas of Nepal and they will link you to porters and guides – you will need to bargain for a fair price
  • Provide opportunities for the porters/guides to see, hear or read the gospel information they are carrying
  • Your porters/guides see your life. You can witness in words, audio and video as much as you like but your actions speak louder than words. Prayerfully consider the example you are showing your porter of Christ incarnate